
Shoe Night, Goals, Team Training Run

Thu, 25 Jan
from 5:20pm to 6:45pm

by Jackie Cahill
Posted: about 1 year ago
Updated: about 2 months ago by
Visible to: Members
RSVP & Attendance: public

Time zone: America/New_York
Reminder: 6 hours before
Ends: 06:45pm (duration is about 1 hour)

Feet First, our amazing community partner will be hosting BP and offering 10% discounted shoes. We will also have snacks and talk season goals. We will close with a light run on Bayshore to break in the new shoes.


Feet First


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  • [2024-Jan-21 04:48 PM] Jackie Cahill: Updated
  • [2024-Jan-23 07:10 PM] Jackie Cahill: Updated

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